Georgios Kavallieratos


Georgios Kavallieratos

Ph.D. started in: 2018
Year of graduation: 2021
COINS consortium member: Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Supervised by: Sokratis Katsikas, Slobodan Petrovic, Edmund Førland Brekke, Hao Wang
Links: Cristin
Research area: Security Management
Project title: Security of the Cyber-Enabled ship
Project description: The aim of the project is to analyse the cyber security risks of the cyber-enabled ship and to propose effective and efficient risk management strategies. Security, safety and resilience must be examined together, as they constitute attributes of the cyber-enabled ship thought of as a system of systems, specifically cyber physical systems.

Courses attended:
  1. IMT6002 COINS Winter School (NTNU), 3 ECTS, 2019
  2. IMT6003 COINS Summer School (NTNU), 3 ECTS, 2019
Events attended with COINS funding:
  1. COINS Finse winter school, Finse, Norway, 2019
  2. COINS summer school, Metochi, Greece, 2019
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