Borger Ormiskangas Vigmostad


Borger Ormiskangas Vigmostad

Ph.D. started in: 2018
Expected year of graduation: 2021
COINS consortium member: University of Oslo
Supervised by: Nils Gruschka
Links: Cristin
Research area: Secure Software
Project title: Web Service Security
Project description: Web services have gone from quite rigorous security framework with WS-security to more informal architectural styles such as REST and GraphQL.
My Ph.D project will investigate how security is affected by moving the responsibility of upholding the security properties from the architectural level to the business layer.
Especially my Ph.D project will design, test and suggest a more secure and efficient way for lightweight devices, such as cell phones and IoT, to communicate to a central server via web services.

Events attended with COINS funding:
  1. COINS Finse winter school, Finse, Norway, 2019
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