Break codes and hack systems in Norway’s largest CTF team in October

CTFYou are invited to participate in a COINS team in the CTF Capture-the-flag competition, starting 11:00 on Tuesday 22 October and lasting 48 hours.

The competition is “challenge-based”, i.e. there will be ca. 20-30 challenges of various difficulty. The range includes vulnerable web applications, cryptography, reverse engineering and forensics, but also some challenges where you really have to think out of the box.

It is fun. It is demanding. And despite it being typically Norwegian to be good, teams from Norway most of the time do not play a role internationally. This should change. This can change. With you. You are among the smartest people in information security in Norway. Now it is time to show the world that you can take up a challenge when the rubber hits the road.

COINS will sponsor pizza and other healthy and not-so-healthy supplies needed in applied information security. COINS will connect you to a large virtual team – or fly you in to Gjøvik to participate in what is probably the largest Norwegian CTF team ever. COINS will invite students from our Swedish counterpart SWITS to join in a Nordic effort.

Participation in the COINS CTF team is an opportunity to take a break from theory, hone your skills and meet other young academics in the field.

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